Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week Four: Interesting Week

 Week Four: Interesting Week

Another week ends today.  At this moment, I am on holiday for a week. I took the opportunity to visit my family who are going to celebrate Eid al-Mawlid an-Nabawī. This event commemorates the birthday of Muhammad, the founder of Islam.  Mawlid means birthday of a holy figure and al-Nabi means prophet. For me, it is an opportunity to meet with my family members; mother brothers and sisters whom I rarely see during the whole year because they live in another city far from the place where I work.
This week we were introduced to new interesting learning materials aiming at developing the reading and writing skills through the use of computer. When I was reviewing some of the suggested websites, I stumbled upon which both I and my little lovely niece found very amusing.  I could make use of a lot of interesting things for my elementary students as extracurricular activities. We were also assigned to design a preliminary technology-enhanced lesson plan using a recommended template and explain how it is similar or different from the usual lesson plans we use in our classes.  This was really an interesting experience through which I could have an earlier idea about the final project needs. 
I am having fun with my family as well as my weekly tasks. Next week, I will attend MATE & IATEFL Marrakech 1st International ICT Conference from 8 to 12 Feb, 2012. I am thinking about how I can mange my time and balance the fulltime conference and the course assignments :-( hope me good luck :-)


  1. Sidi,
    That's nice you are with you family!!! I have always believed that family matters much more than anything else in the world!
    Good luck next week, hope you will manage to take part both in the conference and in the web seminar!

  2. Happy Eid, Sidi.
    Woulida el Houda wal Kainat Diyaa!

    I hope you enjoy your vacation with your family and you find them well. is definitely a "keeper". It has a variety of interesting and useful material for TESL.

    Best of luck with your week,

    Hassan, Lebanon

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Sidi,

    Best wishes on this Eid! I glad that you'r enjoying yourself these days with lots of fun activities with your students and family.
    I like the image you posted too much and consider it too meaningful. Families mean a lot to me especially on such occasions that I eagerly wait for in order to have gatherings and share our enjoyable activities!

    Hope the conference is fruitful and best of luck on your tasks this week. I know it's demanding, but you can manage to finish them with some wise time management.



  5. Hi Sidi,
    I am surprised that Milad al-Nabawi is an official holiday in your country.

    In Yemen, though many celebrate it, it is more of a small scale celebration rather than a family one.

    All the best to you and see you soon.
    Hakim Almasmari
